A Date With Happiness

Khalsa College for Women, Civil Lines, Ludhiana in collaboration with Suman Hospital, Ludhiana organised various activities to mark the Suicide Prevention Awareness Day.

KCW Counselling Cell organized “A Date With Happiness”- interactive sessions for students with mental health issues who had registered earlier through a Google form. 76 individuals registered for this programme which was aimed at providing individual counselling sessions to cater to their specific counselling requirements. All of them went back feeling satisfied and equipped enough to manage their everyday hassles and mental health issues with ease.

Earlier Dept of Psychology arranged an ice breaking activity which involved various issues of self-harm, negative thoughts, low mood, adjustment problems, stress due to studies, personal growth etc. Ms. Palak Dada Soni, Counsellor from Suman Hospital conducted this session with the participants and gave practical tips for effectiveness in everyday functioning and to help them with negative thoughts and mental health issues. The students were very satisfied with this session as they got empowered with certain tips and tools for effective management of their daily hassles and stress.

The Department of Psychology also released an informative pamphlet “How to help a loved one in crisis”, listing steps one could take to offer help as the first line of contact with the affected person. It also listed various correct questions to ask and statements to refrain from while informing a list of warning signs to be aware of. This pamphlet was later distributed throughout the faculty of different departments to help their students in need of guidance.

The Principal appreciated the Department of Psychology and KCW Counselling Cell for working towards instilling hope in individuals amidst the tough challenges of life.