Khalsa College for Women, Civil Lines, Ludhiana considering the need to sensitize our students towards wildlife conservation adopted some animals in Ludhiana zoo. The students of Department of Zoology under the guidance of Dr Monita Dhiman, Head of the Department collected donation from the students and staff of the college and donated to the Ludhiana Zoo authorities on 21st December. The Students organized various rallies to spread a message about the importance of animal adoption to support for wildlife conservation. As zoos are involved in captive breeding programs for endangered species and other conservation projects all of which need the support of the people. The animals adopted in Ludhiana zoo by KCW are one Black Buck, two Pheasants and one Dove. The Principal Dr. Mukti Gill, handed over the contributed amount to Mr. Narinder Singh, Incharge of Ludhiana Zoo. Students showed enthusiasm for this extended activity organized by the department and contributed generously towards the cause. Mr. Narinder Singh made an appeal that people should come forward for donation for the animals empowering us to conserve and save wildlife which is an integral part of human race.

 Principal Dr (Mrs) Mukti Gill also appreciated the efforts and love of students and staff of the department for wildlife and encouraged them to continue such great activities in future also.