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KCW Synapse is a student initiative comprising the third dimension of the triadic development program and involves enthusing the students with empathy and the spirit of “giving back to the society”. Various activities are organized to encourage the students to connect and relate with their community and surroundings.

KCW synapse, the college community club works towards the goal of connecting with community. It is actively engaged in various activities aimed at sensitizing the students towards their social responsibility.

The students are encouraged to take care of their physical surroundings as well.

The KCW Eco Club aims to help the students in connecting with nature”. It organizes various awareness programs, plantation drives and nature walks in order to enable the students to enjoy nature and become responsible for the conservation of our ecology.

My Garden is a small initiative in this direction. This is a small garden maintained by the students. They are responsible for planting, watering, weeding and pruning of all the plants and grass in the garden.



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