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Project Sashakt, the second dimension of Triadic development comprises of various empowerment programs carried out by all departments for skill training and enhancement.

The departments of Commerce and Management are engaged in propagating ‘Financial Literacy and ‘Entrepreneurial Skillsamong the students of the college. The basic aim is to develop a set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with their financial resources.

The department of Computer Science organizes various programs for not only computer literacy but also ‘Cyber Safety Education’ in the college. The objective of internet safety for students is achieved by providing knowledge about maximizing the user‘s personal safety, and security risks to private information while using the internet. It also involves awareness about protection from computer crime in general

The department of Physical Education has designed a self -defense program to make the girls more aware, prepared and ready for any unforeseen circumstances. This includes elaborate Safety discussion discourses along with learning of various physical techniques to handle danger confidently with minimum reaction time.

The languages departments of English, Punjabi and Hindi are involved in propagating communication skills and providing etiquette training to enable the students to learn the nuances of language expression and proprieties of behavior.

The department of Psychology in collaboration with the Counseling Cell of the college organizes various orientation programs and workshops for empowering the students through Emotion Management and Life Skills training. The students are guided in their pursuit of self awareness and coached to attain emotional maturity for personality development.



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