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The Induction/Orientation Program is the first dimension of the Triadic Development Program. The orientation or induction process in aimed at awareness and enlightenment – knowing yourself and the people around you, it provides for interaction and healthy exchange of ideas between different stakeholders. This program caters especially to the first year students and helps in the process of their induction to the college. Realizing the fact that they are the youngest in the college, just freshly out of school and stepping into college life, they are eased through this phase of transition. This program also attempts to introduce the newcomers to the rich traditions of KCW and to create bonding between the newcomers and their seniors.

  • The first Assembly of the session begins with the college shabad and the distribution of the Prasad among the students to spread positive vibes which serve as a harbinger of future success. Students are made aware of the rules and regulations of the college and in charges of main committees and clubs are introduced. This induction process consists of awareness and enlightenment-―knowing yourself and the people around you‖. It provides for interaction and healthy exchange of ideas between different stakeholders. The elaborate introductory assembly is followed by individual orientation programs at departmental level.
  • The college provides ample opportunities to its students to become aware of themselves and their culture. In order to enable the students to have a deep insight of their talents, various talent hunt competitions are held at the beginning of the session.
  • An impressive exhibition about our culture and traditions is also organized and students are encouraged to take part in various competitions related to our rich and diverse heritage.
  • The formal induction process culminates with the Fresher‟s get-togethers, the grand and resplendent ceremonies of various departments, organized by the senior students to formally welcome the newcomers to the college.



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