KCW Organizes E-Waste Awareness Drive

Strengthening its commitment towards addressing the perils of E-Waste, Department of Computer Science, Khalsa College for Women, Civil Lines, Ludhiana in collaboration with Recycling Villa, kick started one week E-waste awareness drive at KCW. (14th October 2022 – 20th October 2022).

The team {General Manager: – Mr. Mohd Tosif., Administration Head: – Miss Diksha Patiyal. Other team members: – Navjot sidhu (Business Representative),Mr. Hardeep Singh ( Collection Representative) } from Recycling Villa conducted interactive sessions with the students and informed them about the E-waste hazards to the environment and Human Health and thereby informed them about the importance of scientific disposal of E- waste. They also acquainted the students about the various recycling processes being carried out at Recycling Villa- The first E-waste recycling plant in Ludhiana. 

The team also exhibited recycled products and enlightened the students regarding the uses of these recycled products.

The students contributed in the drive by bringing e-waste from their homes for collection and scientific disposal.