Kcw organizes Lecture on work and legacy of Sir Isaac Pitman

Department of Office Management organized a Lecture on 1 February 2023 on the work and legacy of Sir Isaac pitman popularly known as the father of shorthand. The objective of the activity was to aware the students about the life, work, and legacy of Sir Pitman. A documentary was shown to the students on the life of Sir Isaac Pitman. He was an enthusiastic spelling reformer and adopted a phonetic system that he tried to bring into general use.

This activity enabled the 40 participants to understand Pitman shorthand, system of rapid writing based on the sounds of words (i.e., the phonetic principle) rather than on conventional spellings. The students came to know about the benefits of learning stenography. The art of stenography helps to make an accurate record of spoken words in courts, Parliament and in offices.

Ms Shaveta Arora, Trainer, Naandi Foundation (Mahindra Pride Classroom Project) motivated the students to enhance their employability skills through stenography.