Khalsa College for Women Celebrates Hindi Divas

 Hindi Divas was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the Hindi Sahitya Sabha of the Hindi Department on 14 September 2023.  College Principal Dr. Iqbal Kaur participated as the chief guest on the occasion.  To mark the day, a poster making competition was organized  wherein around 50 students participated.  Students exhibited their creativity through beautiful posters showcasing the importance of Hindi language.

 The program kick started with Saraswati Vandana followed by the students expressing their views on  the importance of Hindi language and threw light on the topic of why Hindi Divas is celebrated. Students also recited poems on Hindi language.  The show concluded with students presenting a short drama on the importance of Hindi language.

 Madam Sangeeta Sharma (Physics Department) and Madam Mandeep Arora (Sanskrit Department) played the role of judges for the poster making competition.  The results of the competition were as follows

 first prize   Neha, B.A II

 second prize   Amrita, B.A I

 third prize      Parul, B.A II

 consolation prize     Rishita, B.A II

 College Principal Dr. Iqbal Kaur gave away prizes to the winners and while wishing the students a happy Hindi Divas, praised the efforts of Head of Hindi Department  Dr. Kamini Sahir and teacher Dr. Sonia Mala. She further said that we should keep organizing such events so that the students  acquire knowledge of their mother tongue and also inculcate interest in it. The event concluded with Pledge taken by the teachers and students to respect and preserve Hindi Language.