‘Punjab drug free’ rally conducted by NCC cadets during CATC at Khalsa College for Women, Civil Lines, Ludhiana

‘Drug Free Punjab’ Rally was organized by about 200 NCC cadets during the ongoing NCC Camp at Khalsa College for Women, Civil Lines, Ludhiana on behalf of 3rd Punjab Girls Battalion NCC. GCI Preeti and Pratibha, Subedar Jai Singh, Subedar Major Surendra Kumar, Training Officer Chander Sharma and Pallavi joined the rally along with the cadets to spread awareness among general public regarding ill effects of drug consumption. The youth who are the bright future of our country, today they are playing with their future by falling into the bad addiction of drugs. The purpose of taking out this rally of the cadets was to inspire the young girl cadets to take a pledge to make Punjab a ‘drug free Punjab’. All the cadets also took an oath that they would neither consume drugs nor allow anyone to do so .The whole market resonated with their enthusiasm and enthusiastic slogans of drug de-addiction. 

To make Punjab drug-free is the dream of the Government of India as well as all the people of Punjab. To fulfill this dream, the objective of the drug-free Punjab campaign is not only to make the general public aware about the ill effects of drugs, but also to form a mass movement against drugs, so that every person joins and contributes against drugs.