Red Ribbon Club “Quiz Competition” at KCW

On 10th September 2022 a quiz competition was organized by the Red Ribbon Club of Khalsa College for Women, to create awareness about the menace of Drug Abuse, AIDS, Tuberculosis, and the importance of Blood Donation in our prevalent society.

25 students participated in the quiz contest, of which 3 students – Muskan, Vedehi Dhir, and Manmeet Kaur Dua- were adjudged as the contest winners. A participation certificate was accorded to the students who participated in the activity. Students from B.A, B.Sc. Medical and Non-Medical took an active part in this activity.

The Charge of the club, Ms. Sheetal Soi (Head of Department of Office Management) along with Ms. Sangeeta (Head of Department of Physics) and Ms. Monika (Head of Department of Biotech) appreciated their initiative by the Principal of the college.