The counseling cell of Khalsa College for Women, Civil Lines, Ludhiana organized a unique program enabling experiential learning among students of the college.

The students from the Departments of Psychology, Economics & Sociology were taken for a field trip to K.K hospital to learn about mental disorders and a socio-economic profiling of people suffering from various mental disorders.

They were given a detailed layout of taking case of patients suffering from mental disorders and the importance of rapport building while doing so.

Further, these students tried to learn the socio – demographic factors affecting mental health of the patients of the hospital. They interacted with some patients and discussed their symptoms. The visit provided an opportunity of observational learning and substantiated the theoretical knowledge that these students had received as a part of their academic curriculum.

The interdisciplinary nature of participants gave them an opportunity to share their subject’s specific aspects of abnormality and provided a complete picture of the socio-economic profiling of people with mental disorders. The students felt that seeing the situation in real life was an eye opener for them and helped them to relate to their theoretical knowledge.